
Ian Walker Online




I. Walker




ExpressionEngine CMS

  • Ian Walker Online

Time to Refresh

Ian and the development team discussed the prospect of a fresh new site that would replace his old site. Where the old site was managed using an outdated CMS, the first step was to introduce the easy-to-use ExpressionEngine software as a "first phase".  The following "phase two" entailed overhauling the design for a fresh, state-of-the-art responsive website; keeping the elements of the old site that Ian felt were of the utmost importance.

The End Result

ExpressionEngine, unlike the previous content management system, has opened up opportunity for Ian to completely automate his ongoing updates to site content - including scheduling and archiving gigs, adding news articles, and creating photo albums.

On the face of it, the site boasts a stunning, bold, bright layout that speaks to Ian's unique, sophisticated and pleasurable music.  Carrying across colour hints from the old site's design, the new format of displaying news, photography and particularly Ian's discography ensures the site will be a joy to explore for all who visit.

"Sanctus Media are a top class team! I found them to be perceptive, responsive and confidently technically savvy. Friendly and easy to work with, they consistently produce results of quality. Thoroughly experienced! Totally professional!"




Ian Walker