
4 Square Engineering




4 Square Engineering Consultancy Ltd


June 2015


Craft CMS



  • 4 Square Engineering

Reflecting Professionalism

4 Square Engineering provide highly professional training and consultancy within the vast engineering sector -- and this new website has been designed to give a true representation of their expertise, knowledge and ability to serve in the field.

The New Look

Already in posession of quality branding, the client was keen to retain the logo, colour scheme, and overall "feel" of their business in their new web presence.  As such, we've given 4 Square a new lease of life on the worldwide web with a minimalist, clean design that is entirely responsive for enhanced viewing on mobile devices.

The Outcome

4 Square's new website runs using a content management system called Craft - chosen for its incredibly straight-forward user interface, and carrying all the necessary functionality to keep the website up-to-date; without the clutter of buttons and features that aren't needed.

The lime green of the logo was used sparingly as a branding highlight across the website.  We maintained a lot of existing material from the client's old website, however made it more accesible through the functional, clean design.